Podcast season 06

Season 6: Brodcast in Radio Archipel Berlin | S6 - Playlist

Episode 5: "Voces de los territorios - Movimiento de mujeres y diversidades indígenas por el buen vivir" Part 1 and 2 | S6 – E5

In this Episode 5 of the season 6 of the Comusik podcast we share with the radio program Voces de los territorios directed by Irma Caupán and that brings together the voices of the “Movimiento de mujeres y diversidades indígenas por el buen vivir”, with its proposal of vindication from education with the project of Pluriversity among other activities:

We are a Movement conformed by Women and Diversities of different Nations and Indigenous Peoples, who inhabit the south of Indoamerica. We fight against the violence that has historically fallen on our bodies-territories.
For a long time we have been weaving proposals that seek to confront colonialism, patriarchy, racism, and Terricide.
We fight for all life, human and non-human, and for the forces of nature from the spiritual ecosystem.
Indigenous Pluriversity Project:

Walking towards Good Living

What is the problem?

State education is a product of colonization and is part of the imposition on indigenous peoples that subjected us to a racist, sexist and exclusionary model of education. This education was never in accordance with our realities or respectful of our Cosmovisions. Indigenous women and diversity make up the most oppressed social sector, with high rates of illiteracy, malnutrition, unemployment and poverty. In addition to this, there are multiple forms of violence against us in the health, educational, religious, institutional and judicial systems. This situation is aggravated by a social construction from a patriarchal, colonial, racist and sexist pyramidal perspective, endorsed by the State itself, which among other things is evidenced by the small number of indigenous women who manage to obtain a tertiary or university education or even complete high school.

Education for us…
We want education to be expansive, an evolutionary development of the being through ritualistic practices where the spiritual essence is addressed as the central axis of life and where we recognize ourselves from the earth as the biological basis of our knowledge and existence. We know that our human construction is linked to the environment and compose it. Therefore to manage a playful, spiritual space is basically to make possible our cultural transmission observing the qualities in the individualities and community collectives, taking into account the characteristics of the peoples nations, allowing the spatial cultural manifestation as the foundation of cultural interactions, reciprocity and tolerance that we need to sustain life.

Content of the program on Archipel Community 2023:

I. Presentation

II. Voices and testimonies of the different protagonists of the Movement.

III. Music and more voices

IV. Closing first part 1 and 2


Contact email: originariasporelbuenvivir@gmail.com

Instagram: mmujeresindigenas

Face: mmindigena

Episode 4: Fixed Media Compositions Comusik | S6 – E4

In this Episode 4 of the Comusik Podcast Season 6 recollects pieces about working with recordings and/ or synthesizers combining them in an exploration between sound, silence, and noise as a unity. Part of the work was shared in the annual meeting of ethnology of the RAE 2023 “expressions, sounds, music and spaces”, organized by the National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore of Bolivia.

Contents of the program in Archipel Community Radios July 25, 2023 :

I. Radio Factory (Bertha Elena Artero Ponce)

II. Moskito Break-Down (Lluvia Bustos y Bertha Elena Artero Ponce)

III. Ambientes (Bertha Elena Artero Ponce)

IV. Un día Aquel (Lluvia Bustos)

V. Synthes (Bertha Elena Artero Ponce)

VI. Marabullo (Bertha Elena Artero Ponce)


https://comusik.pro/podcast-serie-06/ Website

Archipel e.V


Episode 3: Presentation Broadcast PachaKamani by Richard Mújica | S6 - E3

In this episode 3 of season 6 of the comusik Podcast, we talk with Bolivian musician and anthropologist Richard Mújica, who on behalf of PachaKamani presents the weekly collaboration that will be extended throughout the year with Berlin community radio and Archipel Community, in which all of PachaKamani’s podcast production will be broadcasted.

Contents of the May 16, 2023 Broadcast:

I. PachaKamani Presentation: Richard Mújica

II. Questions about the activities and origin of the group: rural-urban migration, socio-cultural bases, language, identity, etc.

III. Research, methodologies

IV. Meaning of PachaKamani

V. Invitation to listen to the programs on communal radio and digital radio.




Website Richard Mújica

Archipel e.V

Photo: Pachakamani

Episode 2: Radio Archipel and Festival Sur Aural 2023 | S6 - E2

In this episode 2 of season 6 of the comusik Podcast, we present the Comusik Podcast Teaser until the date (April 2023) which will be broadcast in full on Archipel Radio and partially in the context of the Sur Aural 2023 festival in collaboration with Tsonami radio from Chile.

Content of the Teaser of the podcast:

I. Presentation of the Podcast: Lluvia Bustos and Bertha Elena Artero Ponce

II. Audition of the work Sonata 3 by Jean-Paul Liardet (Podcast Season 1)

III. Audition of the work Deslumbramiento by Guido Rocha (Podcast Season 2)

IV. Audition of the piece Tinku by Silverbones with Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti (Podcast Season 3)

V. Listening of the piece Estratos by Bertha Elena Artero Ponce with oboists José Luis Urquieta and Pilar Fontalba (Podcast Season 4)

VI. Listening of the work Haikus naturaleza artificial by Bertha Elena Artero Ponce, Tejido de Voces by Richard Mújica and Voces by Lluvia Bustos (Podcast Season 5 and Season 6)

VIII. Closing of the program


Archipel e.V

Sur Aural

Radio Tsonami


Canal YouTube Guido Rocha

Promotional video Sonatas Jean-Paul Liardet

Website Scat 

comusik Podcast Season 06 

MOLK Factory

Video Voces: Lluvia Bustos Soria

Video Haikus, naturaleza artificial: Costanza de Rogatis

Photo Tejido de voces: Pachakamani

Episode 1: The voice in the sound space, soundscape | S6 - E1

In this episode 1 of the season 6 of the Podcast comusik, we present the Broadcast carried out in the weekly space in collaboration with the radio Archipel with Monaí de Paula, on Tuesdays at 12: 00 (CET) on Colaboradio (88,4 FM Berlin / 90,7 FM Potsdam).

This is a curatorial program of different audio recordings of artists from Latin America (Bolivia – Arg.) with the theme: the voice in the sound space, in the soundscape.

Some audios are real field recordings from different places and the voices come to the foreground. The others are different audios that build artificial soundscapes or manipulate and record the voices previously on stage.

The participants belong to the groups:

Pachakamani from Bolivia with Richard Mújica

Comusik from Bolivia with Lluvia Bustos y Bertha Elena Artero Ponce

Sur Aural from Bolivia with María Fernanda García

Molk Factory based in Amsterdam with Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti from Bolivia/Brasil

Ensamble Inmediato from Bolivia with Mizky Bernal Miranda

Sonoras and RedCla (red de compositoras latinoamericanas) from Argentina and other countries in Latinoamerica with Eva García Fernández

Content of the podcast:

I. Presentation of the Podcast: Monaí de Paula Antunes and Bertha Elena Artero Ponce

II. Listening Tejido de Voces by Richard Mújica

III. Listening Ejercicio5Mercado by María Fernanda García

IV. Listening Voces by Lluvia Bustos

V. Listening the piece by Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti

VI. Listening Haikus, naturaleza artificial by Bertha Elena Artero Ponce

VII. Listening Entretejidos by Mizky Bernal Miranda

VIII. Listening Desarticulación by Eva García Fernández

IX. Closing of the program


Archipel e.V

Sur Aural


Website Scat 

comusik Podcast Season 06

MOLK Factory


Video Voces: Lluvia Bustos Soria

Video Haikus, naturaleza artificial: Costanza de Rogatis

Photo Tejido de voces: Pachakamani

Paint Desarticulación: Eva García Fernández