In this episode 2 of comusik Podcast season 9, we present the autodidact sound artist, creative technologist and musician from Tijuana, Mexico, Moisés Horta Valenzuela aka hexorcismos who works in the fields of computer music, Artificial Intelligence and the history and politics of emerging digital technologies.

Moisés Horta Valenzuela (1988, he/him):

He is currently working as an AI music technologist, developing new instruments using generative neural networks, independently organizing workshops around AI creative art practices focused on sound and image synthesis and the demystification of neural networks. He is also developing SEMILLA.AI, an interface for interacting with generative neural sound synthesizers.

Content of the radio program and podcast:

I. Presentation and background of creative work with AI

II. Audition of “flor blanca” from the album transfiguration (2020).

III. Background on hexorcisms, decolonial posture and the role of cumbia.

IV. Audition of the work “mahtlactli-om-ome” from the album otachihual (2021)

V. More about the creative work in live performances with algorithms and generative artificial intelligence networks (artificial neural networks).

VI. Listening to the work “mareas interiores” from the album transfiguración (2020)

VII. About Semilla AI, the interface, the synthesizer and the researches in the artistic residencies

VIII. New album Mutualismx and about the future of the use of big data in the world


I. Presentation and background of creative work with AI

II. Listening of “flor blanca” from the album transfiguration (2020)

III. Background on hexorcisms, decolonial posture and the role of cumbia.

IV. Audition of the work “mahtlactli-om-ome” from the album otachihual (2021)

V. More about the creative work in live performances with algorithms and generative artificial intelligence networks (artificial neural networks).

VI. Listening to the work “mareas interiores” from the album transfiguración (2020)

VII. About Semilla AI, the interface, the synthesizer and the researches in the artistic residencies

VIII. New album Mutualismx and about the future use of big data in the world.

IX. Audio visual of the album Transfigur – Hexorcisms

